A study of improvisational abstraction in shades of yellow, green, brown, and lavender, 2019. I am very fond of abstract art. I enjoy playing with elements that are visually appealing, and when properly composed, strike a certain balance that evokes an emotion.
That’s the best way I can describe it. Even though an abstract composition may seem haphazardly assembled, or made from simple elements, you would be surprised by the amount of time spent obsessing over the exact colors, shapes, lines, placement, and balance of the elements. Hopefully you will enjoy viewing my work.
“Playing Koi” has one alternate (1b). The main image was the first complete piece, while 1b is an alternate palette that carries a different feel. I think seeing this alternate, and comparing it to the palette of the original, helps to understand how important the original is. While the alternate stands it’s ground, it still lacks something that the original possesses.