The Nagel in Japan series captures the essence of Patrick Nagel with a distinct Japanese influence, focusing on the beauty of the women of Japan. In this piece I explore a Nagel original, while retaining my own style.
Party Animal – Zebra
A classic animal print with an 80’s Flair, the Party Animal – Zebra print is great for throw pillows (my favorite) and more, but also works as a minimal canvas print to add a bit of flair to any room.
Sneaker Freak – Air 1985
A classic sneaker illustration for all the Sneaker Freaks out there. The Air Jordan is an icon of the 80’s, having been first released by Nike in 1985. I have layered the illustration over a complimentary retro pattern appropriate for the times. You can also find the background pattern as a stand-alone work, titled “Stolen 1985”.
Stolen 1985
“Stolen 1985” is a Retro Throwback Pattern reminiscent of classic 80’s design. Originally created as a background for the Illustrated Air Jordan Sneaker design “Air 1985”, minus the sneaker, hence Stolen 1985. Great on all sorts of textiles, towels, rugs, shower curtains, and canvas prints!
Nagel in Japan – Aika
The Nagel in Japan series captures the essence of Patrick Nagel with a distinct Japanese influence, focusing on the beauty of the women of Japan, and how imperfections are what make all of us unique.