This is Abstract Beauty #2, this time focusing on the eye. The shapes lead your mind on an exploratory adventure, as it tries to decipher what you are seeing. The individual elements could add up to any number of things, but when viewed at a distance, the exact nature of the image becomes clear.
Lewis ICU – An Element from Lewis Full Frontal
Lewis ICU is a small section of the larger art piece “Lewis Full Frontal” which I created for a friend. While I was creating the image, I took a snapshot of just one eye to send to him, and I really liked this smaller element so much, I felt is could stand on it’s own as a separate art piece. I have since published this smaller element, “Lewis ICU”, to my Society6 Store, and even purchased a throw pillow of the design for myself. 🙂
If you like this design, you can find it on my Society6 shop, available on all kinds of items. From large canvas prints, throw pillows, blankets, and even a shower curtain!